Our founder @sam.parker86 was recognised and celebrated in two categories at the @sunshinecoastcommgalaawards
last night; Individual of the Year and Community Leadership.
We are honoured to share that Sam won the Community Leadership award.
This award recognises the leadership displayed within our Sunshine Coast Community in building a bigger sense of community.
The leadership displayed by Sam, not only within Grab Life, but within all those he meets and across all aspects of his life is worth recognising and celebrating 🙌🏽
Sam's vision of significantly reducing suicide statistics through the simplicity of mateship is achieved through dedication, selflessness, and leadership through Grab Life by the Balls chinwag and coffee events, burger nights, breakfast catch ups, as well as being welcomed into education facilities, sporting communities, and businesses, to promote mateship and provide valuable information and resources around mens health and men's mental health, while supporting, and connecting men and boys.
Well done Sam 🍾✨️
Well deserved 💙
