Meet our mate Mick!
Mick has come on board as our Thornlands wingman
Name: Mick O’Hara
Balls location: Thornlands
Why I got involved: Because my wife told me to 🤣. She is a strong campaigner for mental health and the lack of support and services.
How long have I been a wingman? About 2mths
What does Mateship mean to you?: Mateship is about having people in your corner that will be there for the good times and the bad.
Favourite saying-quote! The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary!
Favourite movie: Nothing to lose
Favourite food: Roast Pork and veggies
Handshake or man hug?: handshake
What song would you add to the GLBTB Playlist? Mr Brightside by The Killers
Great to have you on board Mick 🙌🏽