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Grab life by the balls community

get to know Marcelo our Kawana 'wingman'


Name: Marcelo Julio

Why I got involved: I see this as a great way to give blokes an opportunity to open up and spread the word about how important a balanced mental health is to maintain a sustainable lifestyle.


How long have you been a wingman?

2 weeks.


What does mateship mean to you?

The relationship between you and someone you can rely on to bounce ideas off, someone that will be there to listen up when you need to vent.


Favourite saying/quote: Whether you see a glass as half-full or half-empty depends on your mindset. Both are true, but one perspective empowers you while the other limits you.


Favourite movie: Butterfly Effect, the original one


Favourite food: Sushi, BBQ

Hand shake or hug? Handshake for me!


What song would you choose for the Grab Life playlist?  Holiday by Ocean Alley

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