Grab life by the balls community
get to know glenn our gympie 'wingman'

Name: Glenn Tierney
Why I got involved: I did my cert I and cert II in Life Coaching and have always led by example and have always wanted to help people.
How long have you been a wingman?
I have been Gympie's wingman for a few months now and really loving the role.
What does mateship mean to you?
Mateship means the world to me. It means standing by your mate in good times and bad. It's about caring about each other and looking out for each other.
Favourite saying/quote: 'My Life is a book and I'm the Author'
Favourite movie: REMEMBER the Titans
Favourite food: My favourite food is Chinese or Pizza
Hand shake or hug? I like a good firm, handshake, but guys like my footy and boxing mates will always get a hug.
What song would you choose for the Grab Life playlist? " That's what friends are for "by Dionne Warwick.
Gympie events:
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- Multiple Dates
- Multiple Dates
- Multiple Dates
- Multiple Dates
- Multiple Dates
- Multiple Dates
- Multiple Dates
- Multiple Dates
- Multiple Dates
- Multiple Dates
- Multiple Dates
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